Thursday, 25 December 2014

PDF⋙ Argumentation and Debate by Austin J. Freeley, David L. Steinberg

Argumentation and Debate by Austin J. Freeley, David L. Steinberg

Argumentation and Debate

Argumentation and Debate by Austin J. Freeley, David L. Steinberg PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Widely praised, ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATE, 13E, uses a clear, concise, and engaging presentation that makes even complex material easy for students to understand. The authors have adapted the text over the years to match changing practices in debate and teaching while preserving classical and conventional approaches to learning debate. This edition retains its rhetorical roots with a flexible tone open to a diverse array of debate styles that is appropriate in the contemporary context. It values the importance of inclusion and sensitivity to differences of culture, gender, orientation, class and other factors as they impact communicative choices and argumentation. The authors have a preference for team topic evidence-based policy debate; however, the text strives to offer viable tools for a wide range of readers interested in improving their critical thinking for reasoned decision making. Available with InfoTrac Student Collections

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