Sunday, 13 December 2015

PDF⋙ Early Medieval Monetary History: Studies in Memory of Mark Blackburn (Studies in Early Medieval Britain and Ireland)

Early Medieval Monetary History: Studies in Memory of Mark Blackburn (Studies in Early Medieval Britain and Ireland)

Early Medieval Monetary History: Studies in Memory of Mark Blackburn (Studies in Early Medieval Britain and Ireland)

Early Medieval Monetary History: Studies in Memory of Mark Blackburn (Studies in Early Medieval Britain and Ireland) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Mark Blackburn was one of the leading scholars of the numismatics and monetary history of the British Isles and Scandinavia during the early medieval period. He published more than 200 books and articles on the subject, and was instrumental in building bridges between numismatics and associated disciplines, in fostering international communication and cooperation, and in establishing initiatives to record new coin finds. This memorial volume of essays commemorates Mark Blackburn's considerable achievement and impact on the field, builds on his research and evaluates a vibrant period in the study of early medieval monetary history. Containing a broad range of high-quality research from both established figures and younger scholars, the essays in this volume maintain a tight focus on Europe in the early Middle Ages (6th-12th centuries), reflecting Mark's primary research interests. In geographical terms the scope of the volume stretches from Spain to the Baltic, with a concentration of papers on the British Isles. As well as a fitting tribute to remarkable scholar, the essays in this collection constitute a major body of research which will be of long-term value to anyone with an interest in the history of early medieval Europe.

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